Health News

A Fatty Fish Called Wanda Has Acids For You
The human body can do many wonderful things, but producing Omega-3 fatty acids on its own is just not one of them.
Drug Works for Treating MS
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that comes in episodes. Each attack of MS symptoms can be different. Even though there is no cure for MS, research shows that a new drug can slow down the crippling effects of the disease.
Asthma Risk On the Street Where You Live
Reasearch studies have found that closeness to a roadway increases the incidence of asthma in developed countries. The reason is due to increased exposure to traffic emissions.
Bipolar Disorder Diagnosis Dilemma
Proper diagnosis of bipolar disorder and depression should include an extensive patient evaluation.  Doctors need access to information regarding details about one's moods, psychotic thoughts, manic periods and family history.
Bladder Control Loss in Your Jeans, I Mean Genes
Bladder control problems are caused by a variety of factors. It is already known that DNA plays a role in losing bladder control, but a new study shows how important that role is.
Another Trick for Nitroglycerin
Brittle bones make for an uneasy existence for many older women. A slip on a curb, or a bump on the shin from a grandchild’s tricycle, could lead to a far more serious injury than a little black and blue spot and some muscle soreness.
100 Proof Gene Links
Why one person is inclined to drink more than another, isn't because they are just thirstier. Until now, alcohol dehydrogenase, an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the liver, was the only gene known to contribute to drinking style.
The Power of Illusion over Pain
The power of the mind can have a powerful effect on the body. This point is held up by a recent study showing that simple illusions can reduce the pain felt by patients with arthritis.
FDA approves new treatment for large brain aneurysms
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the cPAX Aneurysm Treatment System for surgery on brain aneurysms that are difficult to manage because of their size and shape.
Unlocking and Blocking Cancer
Scientists at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine have discovered the way cancer spreads from one part of the body to another. This discovery may uncover methods for blocking the spread of cancer and improve the effectiveness of vaccines.