(RxWiki News) The human body can do many wonderful things, but producing Omega-3 fatty acids on its own is just not one of them.
Found in fatty fish, Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for humans to be healthy. The scientific community has known for a while that eating fish helps prevent heart disease. A new study shows fish also help prevent age related macular degeneration (AMD) in women.
"Women should eat two fish meals weekly."
According to conclusions from his study, Dr. William G. Christen suggests that in order to prevent age-related macular degeneration, women should eat more fish on a regular basis.
Actually, the cited study and the AHA recommend 2 servings a week of fatty fish, which are high in Omega-3s. Fatty fish include salmon, tuna, trout, herring, sardines, and mackerel.
The women who ate the most fish had the least risk for developing AMD. Conversely, the women who ate the least fish were had the highest risk for developing AMD. An estimated nine million adults in the United States show signs of AMD.
In Depth
- The researchers divided 38,022 women into 3 groups based on their fish and omega-3 intake to observe if omega-3 intake affects likelihood to develop AMD
- The first group contained the women who ate at least one serving of fish per week. This group had a 38% lower risk of developing AMD over the 10 year study
- The second group ate some fish, but their omega-3 sources were also from nonfish sources, like nuts and fish oil supplements. This group had a 34% lower risk developing AMD
- The final group, who ate one fish serving or less a month, was at highest risk of developing AMD
- The study hypothesizes the high concentrations of Omega-3 necessary in the retina to aid blood flow and prevent AMD are modifiable by your diet