Gorilla Going Ape Not Seen By Most
"Inattention blindness" is a phenomenon that makes most cell phone usage dangerous while driving.  'The Invisible Gorilla' video test proves once again that humans have difficulties focusing their attenion.
The Human Brain, a Great Opportunist
Cave men used stick figures self-portraits and hunting diaries to record lives since the beginning of cave man time. Similar artwork is riddled throughout human history.
Numbing Quality in Violent Video Games
Science fiction novels often portray a society where people have become numb to the violence around them. War torn countries' citizens also accept tanks filling their streets and impoverished children suffering. The same type numbness occurs in children when playing violent video games.
Stretch Away Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia
You probably think exercising is expending energy. After all that's what running and aerobics require. But yoga, which involves the opposite, has been shown to be healthy for people. Breathing, meditating, and stretching don't seem like hard work, much less exercise.
Unbalanced Body and Mind
Interestingly, people who have psychiatric disorders typically have balance problems. This mind-body connection may hold keys to new treatment directions.
Shake, Shake, Protein Shake!
We've all heard exercising can slow aging down, but maybe it's not slowing it down fast enough for you. Well, try a protein shake after exercising. Exercising is important for people of all ages, but is especially important as you age.
Bye Bye Bad Memories, Hello Greener Side
Most people would give anything to erase a horrible memory. The idea might not be as far-fetched as using a magic wand to suck it out of your brain - just a drug to rewrite it.
Smiling Happy Days
Here's an easy one. Would you rather date The Fonze or Richie Cunningham? A new University of British Columbia study asked just that. The answer for most women? The Fonze.
Bit By the Bug Blues
Mosquito season approaches and most of us are annoyed by insects. The most common strategy to avoid insect bites is to use an insect repellent containing DEET, the most common active ingredient found in insect repellents.
Sweet Wheat - Neat or Not?
Technology touches every aspect of life, including food production. Genetically modified and mutated plants are becoming the norm. The latest innovation is sweet wheat.