Imaging How we Think
The vast mysteries of the brain are continuing to be unraveled. Now scientists are able to identify someone's thought processes by using advanced MRI technology.
Resveratrol is a wine derived compound that has been shown to offer protective qualities for the brain. For resveratrol to be therapeutic, one must drink 50 glasses of wine shortly after a blow to the brain. That may be a bit too much even for true wine-lovers!
The Heart of the Matter
Birth control has long been viewed not only as effective, but also heart healthy. In the 1960s it was a sign of empowerment, but could estrogen-based birth control pills be leading to increased high blood pressure instead?
Multivitamins Protect Against Age-Related Diseases
Multi-vitamins can be a pain to keep up with; especially with all the rules that accompany them, but taking a good multi-vitamin each day can lower the risks of many age-related diseases.
UVA Myth Melts Down
UVA radiation doesn't cause sunburns, but can cause premature aging and as well as skin cancer. According to new research, only two out of five sunscreens tested currently available offer adequate UVA protection.
FDA Safety Alert: Women's Health
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is informing the public about new information that is being assessed as part of their ongoing safety review of birth control pills that contain drospirenone . This review will further evaluate the risk of blood clots in women who use these products.
Healing the Heart
There are times when doctors struggle to heal difficult ailments, but researchers may have actually found a way to reverse effects leading to heart failure. This new research eventually could be available for humans.
Men of Sleepless La Mancha
"Sleep is the current coin that purchases all the pleasures of the world cheap, and the balance that sets the king and the shepherd, the fool and the wise man, even." ~Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote, 1605. The importance of sleep was so eloquently expressed at the height of the Renaissance.
Teachers Need Personal Days too!
Children spend up to fifty hours a week in school. It is known that teaching is a notoriously stressful job, so, how does a teacher’s stress level affect a student?
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Imagine a wonderful world with all new feeling sensations, new sights and new tastes. No sounds are available, but all these new touches, sights and tastes are pretty thrilling.