Personal Medicine Goes High Tech With Online Journal
The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) has published a free, easy-to-use online tool to track exercise-induced asthma symptoms. This high tech journal is designed for patients to record asthma attacks triggered by exercise.
Pre-Eclampsia Prevention With Supplements
Swollen feet, sudden weight gain and high blood pressure are a few symptoms that a pregnant woman may have in pre-eclampsia, a condition occurring in 5 percent of first time pregnancies.
Prenatal Vitamins May Prevent Autism
It's common knowledge that prenatal vitamins are beneficial for healthy child development. A new study suggests that taking vitamins before pregnancy may actually help prevent autism.
Joint Health at Risk
Does your child spend too much time indoors playing video games or texting friends? Well it's time to get them to stop all the gaming around, because it can cause joint problems.
2011: An In-Vitro Odyssey
In-Vitro Fertilization often yields several embryos for a couple to implant within a woman. For couples who may be carriers of a genetic disease, this poses a problem that seems to now be addressed by Johns Hopkins researchers.
Making a Beautiful Duet
Current cochlear implant technology offers people who are hard of hearing nice results in hearing speech. Melody perception, however, has remained elusive for those with cochlear implants.
Treasures in Clay Jars
Johns Hopkins Institute for Genetic Medicine researchers working in conjunction with the North American Cystic Fibrosis Consortium have discovered two regions of the genome that affect the severity of cystic fibrosis.
No Escaping Cell Phone Radiation
Who among us can live without being connected to cell phones in this day and age? Recent studies around the world lend credence to limiting use of cells phones because the radiation is bad news for brain repair, DNA breakage and sperm cell count.
Most of Us Have the Alzheimer's Gene
You're 24 years old and you're having trouble remembering names and movie plots. It's slightly troubling, but you pass it off to having millions of impressions and images bombard your brain every day. After all, you're too young to have Alzheimer's - right? Maybe not. If you're white, you probably have the gene that increases your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD). Pretty scary stuff. That's not all the bad news. This gene starts doing its damage decades before AD reveals its ugliest sides, even though symptoms don't show up for years. In startling new ...
Grapefruit to the Rescue
Pills are usually designed to get rid of a disease. Now there’s a pill that can possibly prevent health problems before they happen.  Researchers have identified that the bitter taste in grapefruit has possible health benefits.