WHO Says Cell Phones may be Hazardous to Your Health
After much debate, the World Health Organization (WHO) has determined that radiation from cell phone usage may indeed cause cancer. Yet, the WHO says that "no adverse effects" from using cell phones have been established.
Researchers Hit a Melanoma Bulls-Eye
To get a perfect score when shooting darts, it's best to hit the bulls-eye with no misses. The same is true when treating melanoma. Hit the melanoma bulls-eye without hitting the unaffected skin cells around.
Arthritis Drug may be Effective in Treating Cancer
Liver cancer isn't one of the more treatable cancers. That could be changing, though. Scientists have discovered that the common anti-inflammatory drug - Celebrex (celecoxib) - makes liver cancer cells commit suicide. This is just the latest finding showing that Celebrex may be useful in treating a number of different cancers.
Gardasil Safe on Base
Patients with lupus are at significantly greater risk for being affected by HPV, the human papillomavirus. The vaccine Gardasil, which prevents HPV and is commonly used to guard against cervical cancer is effective for healthy women, but questions remained about whether lupus patients would experience flare-ups after being vaccinated.
Extinguishing Tobacco Deaths Around the World
Did you know that tobacco will kill 6 million people around the world this year? And by 2030, that number will be 8 million. The World Health Organization (WHO) is leading the fight against this epidemic.
Blinding Blind Spot for Seniors
Most have a soft spot for our senior citizens, but when it comes to driving, seniors' blind spot takes over. In a safe driving study, the number of critical driving errors increased porportionally with age.  
Yoga Improves Breast Cancer Treatment
Breathing and relaxing are important techniques to control stress; less stress means more happiness; and more happiness is good for everyone! Yoga has hit its stride and seems to be in vogue in exercise circles these days.
Celiac Disease Regression
Celiac disease is a condition where patients have a reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat products. Most people manage their celiac disease with a gluten-free diet. No take out pizza or calzone for them!
Watch Out For That Sun
Skin cancer can easily be prevented by applying sunscreen. But the problem is, there are so many kinds of sunscreen out there! How do you decide which is best?
Understanding of Alzheimer's Expanding
If we only knew exactly what caused Alzheimer's disease, it might be easier to treat. Scientists are making headway in both arenas.