The Madness of the Sadness
One of the sad things about depression is its tendency to return to cause more suffering. Scientists have new clues as to why that happens. How the brain responds to sadness may predict if depression will return to someone who has been wrestling with the disease.
Broil your way to health
As women age, it becomes critical to consume nutritious foods. But when it comes to some foods, such as fish, the type of fish and cooking method play a major role in how heart-healthy those meals are.
Women Are One in Four of New HIV Infections in Ontario
Despite significant headway in HIV care and prevention, women account for 25 percent of new HIV cases in Ontario, Canada. Of these newly infected women, 93 percent acquired HIV by sexual contact. Additionally, 60 percent of these new female cases are immigrants.
E. coli Outbreak
You’ve probably heard about E. coli and its different strains that cause people to become ill. Well a new more dangerous strain has taken over Europe and is causing alarm.
'Ultra-bad Cholesterol Discovered
Patients with high cholesterol have enough to worry about. But a new 'ultra-bad' form of cholesterol recently discovered by researchers may inadvertently aid those patients by leading to new treatments for preventing heart disease particularly in those with type 2 diabetes and the elderly.
Your Weight is More Important Than Your Diet
There are so many diets these days, it can be hard to pick one that's safe and effective. Researchers have come across news that will change the way you think about dieting.
Tobacco Plants for New Drugs
The global market for botanical and plant-derived drugs is expected to balloon to over $32 billion in 2013. Researchers in Germany have answered this expensive call with potentially low-cost therapies.
Committed Couples Reality Gives HIV Awareness New Focus
Just as it is in committed heterosexual couples, gay couples in a serious relationship are much more likely to engage in unprotected sex. The idea of unprotected sex is a reality in all types of human sexual relationships.
Anesthesia Risk Slim to None for Healthy Children
General anesthesia tends to be a scary prospect for parents whose children need surgery. Parents may feel a complete loss of control, but actually there is no basis for these fears. According to a new study, general anesthesia is quite safe in healthy children.
The Genetic Blood Clot Link
Often times hearing that a friend or neighbor has a blood clot seems surprising and unexpected. Not so, according to a new study that suggests a 10 percent link to heredity.