Sweet Sixteen Gone Sour
A study finds that by the age of 16, bad habits and lifestyles are at the "point of no return," especially among women.
Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Injection Recall
Cumberland Pharmaceuticals is issuing a voluntary recall of 6 lots of its Acetadote injection used to treat ingested toxic quantities of acetaminophen.
Hardly a Shot in the Dark
A study from the University of Maryland has found that few eligible young women choose to take the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine, and, of those who do, relatively few take the recommended three doses. HPV is a known cause of cervical cancer.
Is Folic Acid All It's Cracked up to 'B'?
Next week marks National Folic Acid Awareness Week. A new meta-analysis from the University of Oxford, England, suggests the water-soluble B vitamin may not quite live up to its lauded reputation.