Do You Hear What I Hear?
Imagine a wonderful world with all new feeling sensations, new sights and new tastes. No sounds are available, but all these new touches, sights and tastes are pretty thrilling.
Patching Up Peanut Allergies
Shiver me timbers! A new revolutionary skin patch may solve the sometimes deadly peanut allergy. Pediatricians in France have developed a new skin patch that releases extremely small amounts of peanut oil for the skin to absorb.
Pesticides Increase Risk for Parkinson's Disease
Farmers have been using pesticides to prevent pests from attacking crops for years. And while these efforts increase the amount of food we have, is the practice actually healthy?
Biological Agent Could Fight Antibiotic Resistance
A new class of antibiotics has been discovered from the family of bacteria called Burkolderia, a bug that usually causes disease in patients with cystic fibrosis
Avoid Gas Passing for Babies
Pediatricians and pediatric surgeons never recommend surgery requiring general anesthesia for children unless absolutely necessary. New data confirms this advice.
Home Care Leads to More Hospital Stays
Long-term mechanical ventilation (LTMV) is often needed to treat lung failure in children with serious conditions such as muscular dystrophy and preemies with underdeveloped lungs. These ventilation systems can be administered at home.
HIV/AIDS: 30 years Later
It has been 30 years since the first case of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was diagnosed in the United States. Currently, there are over a million estimated cases of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, in the the United States. Twenty percent of those affected are unaware of their infection.
19 Percent Have High Blood Pressure
Typically developed over a number of years, high blood pressure is a common health concern for many individuals. Many patients commonly wait until they are older to worry about getting checked regularly.
Joy in Soy
Is it okay for women who have breast cancer and other hormone sensitive cancers to eat soy and other plant based phytoestrogens? That’s a controversy that’s been raging for several years.