Asian Cancer Survivers Live Longer than Caucasians
A new report says Asian patients live longer than Caucasian patients both before and after the treatment for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which is usually caused by smoking. A recent review of 35 years of studies indicates that during single, double or triple drug chemotherapy, Asians have a longer overall survival.
Food Allergies Can Lead to Asthma
The beginning of the allergy march in babies and young children may originate from food allergies. Food allergies often begin in babies as early as three months old. 
Two New Hepatitis C Drugs Butt Marketing Heads
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an infectious disease which is 100 times more infectious than HIV. People who inject drugs or engage in unprotected sex account for most people who are infected with hepatitis C.
Refuel with Low-Fat Chocolate Milk
The key to looking good is not just exercising anymore - it's what you drink after you finish working out. You could drink anything, but new research says low-fat chocolate milk is nature's recovery drink.
Drink Tea to Your Health
Scientists have long believed that green tea is more than just a tasty beverage. Green tea has been suspected of offering a number of health benefits ranging from help lowering cholesterol to fighting cancer and even assisting with heart problems.
Lose Weight Online
Finding time to exercise can often be difficult, especially if you work 8 hours a day and/or have children. Indiana University has found a virtual world that can help.
Slowing the Memory Thief
While there's no cure for Alzheimer's yet, there may be ways to slow the thief that robs memories. Scientists have discovered naturally occurring plant compounds that may be able to delay or possibly even prevent the disease.
E. Coli not found in testing of sprouts
Just a day after pinpointing a sprout farm as the likely cause of an E coli outbreak, German agriculture authorities have revealed that 23 of the 40 produce samples tested did not contain the toxic contamination.
Living with Type 2 Diabetes
You feel fine most of the time. Well, now that you think about it, you have lost some weight and don't know why. But that's a good thing, right? You can always stand to lose a few.
A Disease that Burns Fat?
While no one wants to have diabetes, there may be one advantage to having the disease: some diabetics may find it easier to burn fat. Researchers found that people with type 1 diabetes may burn more fat and less carbohydrates during exercise, compared to non-diabetics.