Health News

Another TikTok Challenge Goes Wrong
Another recent TikTok trend, called the #OneChipChallenge, has been sending some to the emergency room.
FDA Warns About New TikTok Challenge
The US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is warning people about the latest TikTok challenge.
New Psoriasis Rx Gets Green Light
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new plaque psoriasis drug.
Refilling Your Prescriptions Has Never Been Easier
You can now refill your medications via the pharmacy mobile app anytime and anywhere.
Severe Allergic Reactions at School: Are You Prepared?
For the 1 in 13 children who have food allergies, being prepared can make all the difference.
COVID-19? Here Are Your Treatment Options
We talk a lot about COVID-19 prevention. But what about the treatments?
Don't Fall For These Flu Shot Misconceptions
Myths about the flu shot are widespread, and these misconceptions often cause people to opt out of this important vaccine. 
FDA Approves First Treatment for Rare Genetic Disease
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first treatment for a rare genetic disease.
The Rx That Slashes COVID Death Risk
An antiviral drug may cut the risk of dying from COVID-19 by 79 percent in older adults, according to a new study.
Botox Gets Its Match
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new anti-wrinkle injection.