Health News

Breaking Free of Gout
For some patients, gout, a painful form of arthritis, is simply a manageable annoyance. For others, it can be a chronic and debilitating condition that requires ongoing medications and significant lifestyle changes.
Regenerating the Spine
Spinal cord injuries rarely heal fully, which can lead to permanent paralysis or  impairment. Lost function was believed to come from scar tissue. Research suggests there may be another explanation.
Vigorous Exercise Is Possible for Bariatric Surgery Patients
For anyone, exercising is a key element in losing weight. For bariatric surgery patients, though, experts were not sure if intense exercise was a possibility. A new study smashes that theory.
The Gift of Contact Allergies
Allergy sufferers may actually be blessed with a protective barrier from certain cancers thanks to their "ready to attack anything" immune systems.
A Sound Heart
People with HIV are at an increased risk for for many heart related issues, such as cardiovascular disease and a fatal heart attack. New research indicates that a heart ultrasound can enable HIV positive individuals to identify their risk sooner.
Athletes Hide Eating Disorders
Eating disorders can develop in anyone, male or female, professional athlete or amateur. Diagnosing those problems in athletes who are seemingly in good shape can be difficult.
Stroke of Misfortune
Pregnant women are at an increased risk for a number of possible diseases and conditions. A new study suggests that they may also be at a heightened risk for heart disease due to high blood pressure syndromes.
Women Outlive Men With Cancer
Women typically live longer than men. This extended life expectancy even extends to survival rates of cancer patients.
Hold Your Applause, New Clap in Town
Several suggestions are offered to explain why gonorrhea is called "the clap". Two possibilities are French words, which date to the 1500s. Clapoir is a sexual sore and clapier is a brothel.
Shingles Recurrence More Common Than Believed
For decades, common medical wisdom about shingles held that it is a one-time experience for virtually everyone it strikes. But recurrences may be much more common that doctors have long suspected.