Health News

New Rx Says Goodbye to Dry Eyes
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the first medication in a new class of medications for the treatment of dry eye disease.
How to Stay Healthy in the Heat
As the temperature rises, so does the risk for heat-related health issues.
Men, Sleep and Diabetes Risk
For men, sleeping too much or too little could raise diabetes risk, a new study found.
For Shoulder Dislocations, Surgery Might Help
For young athletes who dislocate their shoulders for the first time, surgery might be a helpful option, a new study found.
A New Treatment for Essential Tremors
The US Food and Administration (FDA) has approved the first ultrasound device to treat essential tremors.
The Harms of Teen Vaping
Teens who wouldn't have started smoking in the first place may now be using electronic cigarettes, a new study found.
Shedding Light on Popular Sunscreens
Some popular sunscreen brands may not adhere to sun safety guidelines laid out by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), a new study found.
Commercials and Childrens Diet Choices
Children who are exposed to advertisements for unhealthy foods and beverages may be more likely to make poor diet choices, according to a new study.
Medications Linked to Heart Failure
Several medications may cause or worsen heart failure, according to a new statement from the American Heart Association.
First OTC Retinoid for Acne Approved
The US Food and Drug Administration has approved the first over-the-counter (OTC) retinoid for the treatment of acne.