Health News

Epilepsy Rx Safety in Pregnancy
Two newer epilepsy medications may not affect the IQs of children whose mothers took them during pregnancy, a new study found.
Ovarian Cancer Screening: A Warning
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning about tests being marketed to screen for ovarian cancer.
What Helps After Heart Attack
Invasive coronary strategies may improve survival in patients who have had a myocardial infarction  (heart attack), a new study found.
From Bipolar Disorder to Substance Use
Now there's more evidence to support a link between bipolar disorder and substance use disorder in adolescents, according to a new study. 
Got Peripheral Artery Disease?
Patients with atherosclerotic peripheral arterial disease (PAD) saw improved results from revascularization to treat intermittent claudication (IC), a common symptom of PAD, a new study found.
More Cancer Types Linked to Obesity
A new study has linked obesity to eight more types of cancer.
Diabetes Rx Could Fight Heart Disease
A drug often prescribed for type 2 diabetes could fight heart disease in patients with type 1 diabetes, a new study found.
Shedding Light on Lice
With the start of the new school year and as the fall approaches, children may be more likely to come into contact with head lice.
Antibacterial Soaps: Products of the Past?
Whether antibacterial soap is truly safe to use has been a longstanding question — and it's one that may have finally been answered.
There's a New Vaccine This Flu Season
There's going to be a new player in the upcoming flu season.