Induced Labor Not Safer
If your water breaks before you're in labor or due to give birth, infection risk for your baby is low, and the best course of action may be to just wait it out under a doctor's observation.
Hearty Cancer Predictor
Heart health can be improved with lifestyle changes - weight loss, exercise and a healthy diet. It may be that these changes also reduce a man's risk of prostate cancer.
Hepatitis C and HIV Drug Interactions
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is notifying healthcare professionals and patients that drug interactions between the hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) protease inhibitor Victrelis ( boceprevir ) and certain ritonavir-boosted human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease inhibitors ( atazanavir , lopinavir , darunavir ) can potentially reduce the effectiveness of these medicines when they are used together.
Aspirin and Plavix Don't Mix
Taking both clopidogrel ( Plavix ) and aspirin together does not appear to cut the risk of recurrent deep brain strokes. Research suggests it also increases the risk of bleeding events or dying.
Getting to the First Birthday
Preemies with low birth weights have a higher risk of dying before age 1, but researchers haven't known the risk factors affecting the babies' survival after they leave the NICU .
The Sweet Tooth of Your Pancreas
Our tongues are full of taste receptors that tell us if food is good or bad, spoiled or toxic. Now, it appears as though our organs also have taste receptors.
Reducing Breast Cancer Risk Lowers Bone Density
Women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer are sometimes prescribed medications that block estrogen, the hormone that drives the most breast malignancies. One such drug is Aromasin ( exemestane ), which new studies show lowers more than cancer risks.
Shedding Pounds Helps You Hold Your Pee
If you are overweight or obese, you are prone to many different health problems, including a leaky bladder. Carrying all that extra weight around also puts you at risk of diabetes, another risk factor for urine leakage.
It's Game Time - but not for Smokers
If your child’s an athlete there is a better chance he says “no” to cigarettes, a new study finds.
Preemies Can Safely Arrive Both Ways
When extra tiny ones are arriving early in the world, it's not necessarily safer for them to be delivered by c-section instead of a vaginal birth.