All-Day Buffet in Elementary Schools?
Four times as many obese children are in the U.S. today as there were in the 1970s - but the availability of snacks at school besides school meals shows little signs of decreasing.
Child Abuse Costs in Emotion and Dollars
There's no question about the psychological, and sometimes, physical scars from child abuse. Suffering abuse or neglect during childhood leaves trauma issues that can often be lifelong concerns.
Sickle Cell Prevention Key to Stroke Reduction
In the late 1990s there was a striking disparity among the number of black children who died of stroke as compared to white children. Black children were 74 percent more likely to die of a stroke, because of the higher prevalence of sickle cell anemia in that population.
Let Your Baby Lead the Way
Parents who opt to let their babies feed themselves with finger foods during baby-led weaning - rather than spoon-feeding them pureed food - may end up with healthier kids.
Fatal Side Effects in 3 Cancer Therapies
Targeted therapies are among the latest advances in treating cancer. They target specific genetic defects an individual has. And while the benefits are impressive, some of these drugs do have dangerous side effects.
Merck Drug for Insomnia
Merck, known as MSD outside the United States and Canada, provided an update on the development program for suvorexant , the company's investigational orexin receptor antagonist, which, if approved, will be a new mechanism for the treatment of insomnia.
Silver Lining for Chemotherapy
The metal platinum is widely used in chemotherapy drugs such as Cisplatin . Another less expensive metal might have a silver lining for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Spare the Rod for Healthy Development
A review of twenty years worth of research reveals that physically punishing kids probably does more harm than good and appears to increase kids' aggression.
College Students: Take 'Quit Smoking 101'
For young adults who smoke, relief is just around the corner. A new study shows young adults who quit smoking had improved respiratory function in as little as two weeks.
Positive Parenting Improves Child Health
One method for reducing childhood obesity among the highest risk kids may be as simple as teaching parents positive parenting techniques, such as using praise and healthy discipline.