FDA Recalls RegenArouse
Regeneca , Inc. notifed the public of a nationwide recall of RegenArouse , Lot Number 130100. FDA lab analysis confirmed the presence of Tadalafil , an FDA-approved drug used as treatment for male Erectile Dysfunction (ED), making this product an unapproved new drug.
Get Control of Your Asthma
Controlling asthma and asthma symptoms has been the focal point of doctors and patients alike. Researchers are looking at the small-airways of the lungs to better control asthma.
Children Exposed to Chemotherapy Develop Normally
Pregnant women undergoing cancer therapy worry that the treatment will hurt their baby's health. But rest assured, chemotherapy does not put a growing baby at risk of health problems, reports a new study.
Good Child Care Now, Better Payoff Later
Not only does high-quality childcare prepare children for school, it also appears to increase mother's involvement with their children.
Doctors are singing "Let's Get Physical"
Among the most common pieces of advice offered by doctors to their patients: start running, biking, walking, swimming, playing tennis or whatever it takes to get in regular exercise.
Unlikely Drug Combo for Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer doesn't occur in isolation, and recent research may give some peace of mind to prostate cancer patients already on medication for arthritis or high cholesterol.
Coach Caring, Not Winning
If you’re coaching your son or daughter’s little league this year, you might want to focus more on developing the children than winning the game, a new study suggests.
Making Damaged Genes Sparkle
Finding genetic alterations is one tedious undertaking. While it's becoming a less expensive proposition, genomic sequencing is still rigorous. New technology may change that and provide pictures in the meantime.
Unknown Cause for Bladder Cancer
Previously, researchers thought that the causes of bladder cancers were similar, but it appears that's not the case.
Heartbeat Vibrations Can Power Pacemakers
Scientists have long searched for an alternative to surgically replacing batteries in a pacemaker, which helps regulate an irregular heartbeat. A prototype draws its energy from a surprising source.