Life Lost in the Storm
Dawnene Harper often finds herself looking for something - a book, a photo album, a kitchen tool - before she remembers. "Oh, right," the New Orleans resident has to remind herself. "I don't have that anymore. I lost it in the storm."
New Urine Test for Prostate Cancer
For men at risk for prostate cancer or diagnosed with a slowly progressive prostate cancer, the options to track the tumor are limited. A new urine test may allow men to avoid biopsies.
Positive Behavior Program Prevents Bullying
Bullying can cause a host of mental and physical health problems in youth. Unfortunately, many programs designed to combat it are ineffective - but a new study gives hope to a program that focuses on positive change.
New Therapy for Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis is a painful condition that, sadly enough, has no cure. The good news is patients can find relief from a variety of treatments, including medications and surgery.
Fluid Biopsy Paints Big Picture of Metastasis
Metastasis turns cancer into a multi-front war. New research into identifying how cancer travels in the blood is the first step to preventing it.
PSA Testing's Next Level
There has been a lot of controversy in the medical profession over using PSA (prostate specific antigen) level tests for prostate cancer screening. A new test may actually be more accurate than the traditional method.
Child Abuse Hospitalizations Too High
The number of children hospitalized for abuse injuries in a single year is a wake-up call that parents feeling high levels of stress should seek help before the pressure overtakes them.
Cocoa may Cut Colon Cancer Risks
Food as medicine is an increasing area of research interest. The scientific community has even labeled various foods so-called "super foods." And one of those is the main ingredient in chocolate.
Curbing Cocaine Cravings with a Pill
A drug frequently prescribed for issues of the heart and prostate may be able to help cocaine addicts curb their need, a new report suggests.
Dust Mites do Cause Allergies
Dust mites are a common cause for asthma in children. For parents, simple control measure around the house can help manage a child's asthma.