When to Schedule Your C Section
Women who have had one cesarean section and are planning another should aim for delivering after 39 weeks of pregnancy according to a new study.
Way Too Much Sodium Consumed
About 90 percent of U.S. adults are incorporating too much sodium into their diets. However it doesn't appear the dinner-side salt shaker is at fault.
Cannabis Causes Car Crashes
Those abusing marijuana can no longer claim the drug does no harm. A report published today suggests that the use of cannabis nearly doubles a person’s chance of getting into a car accident.
Outwitting Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
About 20 percent of all leukemias in the Western world are chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ). Today's treatments target an abnormal chromosome that causes the disease, but new theories about how to outwit this resilient disease are sprouting.
Hispanic Women at Risk of Early Delivery
Pregnant women should watch for signs of early labor. And if you’re Hispanic, you should take extra care: A new study says that Hispanic-Americans are at greater risk of preterm delivery. 
Let Them Eat Cake!
To start the day off right, kickstart your diet and keep the pounds off, here's a strange new piece of advice: have a cupcake, a cookie or chocolate ice cream with breakfast.
Balancing Your Diet
Malabsorption of nutrients in humans is getting more attention as the medical community recognizes the lack of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds in our diets. The amylase protein in our saliva dose not get much of a chance to start breaking down food before it get into the stomach, adding to nutrient deficiency in our bodies. Some doctors are of the opinion that there is absolutely no role for nutritional supplements or nutritional supplementation because a healthy diet contains all the nutrients a body requires. While this may be true, other factors must also be considered, s...
Breast is Best - But So is Planning
Even for mothers who planned to breastfeed longer, the ones who planned to get pregnant had an easier time with nursing than those whose babies were surprises.
Facebook Promotes Positivity
Psych health professionals studying Facebook have demonstrated that the site has both ups and downs for the mental health of its subscribers, but the latest research suggests it may help more than it hurts.
All Hail Cesarean Sections?
Women who have had one child by cesarean section have to decide for their next pregnancy how they'll give birth: another C section or attempt a vaginal delivery?