Survival Higher for Bypass Surgery
Patients with blocked coronary arteries who receive bypass surgery are more likely to survive five years as compared to balloon angioplasty, though many clinical characteristics play a role in effectiveness.
How to Turn Cancer Off
If certain changes can cause a cell to become cancerous, reversing those changes should return the cell to normal. It may be simple, but it's not easy.
A Hidden Cause of Bedwetting
If little Johnny or Susie is wetting the bed frequently at night, that doesn't necessarily mean they have a psychological or behavior issue. They might have a serious sleeping disorder.
Infections Cause 1 in 6 Cancers
Millions of people around the world are diagnosed with cancer after being infected with a virus, bacteria or parasite. That accounts for one in six cancers.
Muscular Pregnant Women Have Healthier Placenta
Most women want a shapely, muscular body to enhance their looks. A new study reports that those firm, hard-won muscles also improve placental health in pregnant women.
The Busy Bees Fighting Cancer
There may be a some truth to the old naturalist belief that the answer to all of humanity's problems is out there somewhere, if we just knew where to look.
Green Way to Harvest Anti-Cancer Agent
While there's been a great deal of controversy about the relationship between soy and cancer, a substance found in soybeans has valuable medicinal uses including fighting cancer.
Eye Drops Successfully Treat AMD
The primary method for treating age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in older adults, is injections directly into the eye.
Women’s Waistlines Affect Bottom Lines
Being overweight might be hurting more than your health. If you're a woman, it could be hurting your job prospects and your salary opportunities as well.
Stage Fright When Conceiving a Baby
There's nothing like the pressure to perform to add insult to injury if a man is having problems getting an erection. But this can occur when a couple is planning to have a baby.