Yogurt Takes the Edge off Antibiotics
Diarrhea is a side effect of antibiotics killing off beneficial GI bacteria as well as pathogens. A review of recent research may shine light on a new solution to this problem.
Brain Bleeds May Require Immediate Transfer
Doctors may need to immediately transfer patients that arrive at the hospital after suffering a certain kind of brain bleed to a more experienced facility.
Acting Strange Today - Problems Tomorrow
Is there any way to tell if someone is at risk for psychosis later in life? If doctors could predict later psychosis, could they do something to prevent onset?
Diabetes Drug May Prevent Blindness
Our bodies are complex, interconnected systems. That means one health problem may be linked to another seemingly unrelated condition. Likewise, a treatment for one disease may treat a totally different disease.
Comparing Medications for Bipolar in Teens
Bipolar disorder in children and teens is difficult to treat. Many medications on the market have not been tested in young people. A new study compares the safety and effectiveness of three drugs for bipolar disorder. Three medications, lithium, an antipsychotic, and a drug specifically approved for mania, were given to children and teens with bipolar disorder.  After eight weeks of treatment, the antipsychotic Risperdal ( risperidone ) was most effective for symptoms of mania, but it also caused severe weight gain. Researchers recommend caution and close monitoring when using...
Preventing Obesity Equals Savings
Obesity and its related health problems cost big money. Prevention efforts to keep the rates of obesity stable could save Americans 550 billion dollars over the next 20 years. 
Farewell to King of the Wild Things
He brought "wild things" into the world's imagination and revolutionized children's literature. Now Maurice Sendak has gone off to where the imagination can truly run wild.
Run Forrest Run!
You remember the scene in "Forrest Gump" where his friend Jenny urges him to "Run Forrest run!" to get away from a pesky group of kids. He takes off, the braces that have been shackling him fly off. And he's free.
Slather on the Sunscreen
For years now we've been told to use sunscreen to protect ourselves from too much sun and most importantly skin cancer. Well it turns out one of the ingredients in those lotions could actually be increasing the risk of developing skin cancer. Uh oh.
New Hopes for Childhood Anxiety
Anxiety is often  thought of as being tied to the stressful ways of modern adult life, but many anxiety disorders can first show up in childhood or adolescence. New research is exploring possible treatment for youth suffering from anxiety and methods to spot signs of the disorder at the earliest possible age.