The Origins of Leukemia
Leukemia can be very different from person to person, even within the same type of cancer. Scientists thought they understood how leukemia begins, but it may be more complicated than we thought.
Beta Blockers Don't Block Colorectal Cancer
Beta blockers, which are used to treat high blood pressure, block the action of a stress hormone. And this hormone can encourage cancer cells to grow and spread.
Treating Heroin Addiction
Methadone is a common replacement therapy drug treatment for heroin addiction. The cost per dose of diacetylmorphine may be higher, but overall health care costs are lowered.
Start Early to Reduce Your BMI
Research has shown that spending less time watching TV and eating more vegetables helps children avoid obesity. Starting early, before age 2, may be the key.
Rx Reduces Patients' Hunger
An advisory panel for the Food and Drug Administration has voted 18 to 4, with one person not voting, in favor of accepting a new weight loss drug called Lorqess .
Cancer's Link Behind Sun Damage
An important part of the scientific process is trying to figure out why common sense beliefs are true. Observing that sun damage and sun burn seemed to cause melanoma still needed solid proof.
Aging in the Information Age
The “information age” has given many people more access to social activities and learning through computers. Elderly people who stay mentally active using computers may lower their risk of losing cognitive abilities.
Heart Rx Effective for Everyone
Traditional heart failure treatment has been found to protect both African-American and white patients equally in preventing future hospitalizations or death.