No Harmless Meds After All
Over the counter medications like Advil, Tylenol, and other pain relieving drugs are found in many households, and are generally considered safe when used properly.
Mom's Weight & Kids' Test Scores
Shedding pounds before getting pregnant can reduce a number of health risks - but it may also add a few points to your child's reading and math scores. A recent study has found a link between a mother's weight before pregnancy and their children's cognitive skills: obese women's children score lower on math and reading tests when they were 5 to 7 years old. Get to a healthy weight before becoming pregnant. Lead author Rika Tanda , a nursing doctoral candidate at Ohio State University, and colleagues wanted to investigate potential connections between a mother's pre-pregnancy ob...
Math, the Ultimate Cancer Fighter
We live in an increasingly data driven era, where the judgment of your doctor comes from thousands of patients with similar symptoms.
Diabetes May Speed Up Dementia
As you grow old, your brain starts to get smaller and lose power. Certain diseases can make this decline in brain function even worse. It seems diabetes may be one of these diseases.
Teens & Pills
Teens are starting to abuse painkillers earlier in life than previously thought. Preventative methods introduced to seniors in high school are probably too late, and recent reports indicate that education should start earlier.
Chantix May Also Help With Drinking Problems
It might be possible to block pleasure receptors for both smoking and drinking with one pharmaceutical swoop. Heavy drinkers report drinking less alcohol after taking the anti-smoking drug— Chantix . Researchers took a drug already out on the market for smoking cessation and tried it on smokers who also drink heavily. The reduction in drinking was quite promising. Talk to your doctor if you think you have a drinking problem Jennifer Mitchell PhD, assistant professor of neurology at the University of California at San Francisco, led a study to understand the smoking cessation d...
Pills That Prevents HIV?
For decades, researchers have struggled to find medical defenses against HIV infection. Now, an effective option is on the table: Popping a preventative pill called Truvada .
Predictive Behavior: Problems for Kids
Why is it that some children develop emotional or behavioral problems? The answer is complex but new research may help us better predict who will have problems so they can be addressed earlier.
Not All 'Good' Cholesterol is Beneficial
Most patients are aware that "good" HDL cholesterol can protect against coronary heart disease. However, scientists have found that not all HDL cholesterol benefits the heart, and some may even be harmful.
Rx Abuse Starts Young
Teen drug abuse of prescription opioids is a problem. Parental monitoring, proper disposal after they’re no longer needed for medical purposes and honest education could help reduce the abuse. Researchers gathered data that suggests nonmedical use of prescription drugs among high school seniors needs intervention. The possibility of more serious drug abuse is also prevalent. Properly store and dispose of prescription opioids to prevent abuse. Sean Esteban McCabe PhD., research professor at the University of Michigan Substance Abuse Research Center, led a team to evaluate the p...