A Vaccine For Smokers To Kick Habit?
Could a shot finally help put the cigarettes down? A Boston biopharmaceutical company is exploring a new and unique method in the world of anti-smoking - a nicotine vaccine.
Psych Meds are as Good as it Gets
Drugs used to treat psychiatric conditions are often criticized. But, how do they compare to drugs used to treat other medical conditions?
Blood Test Hopes to Detect Early Lung Cancer
Detecting lung cancer early is the best chance at curing it. Like many cancers, the larger and more advanced it becomes the harder it is to successfully treat.
Helping Little Hearts Pump Better
Viagra may not just be for dads anymore. Drugs can often be used for multiple unrelated purposes, and it turns out sildenafil , the generic version of Viagra, might help children and young adults with heart defects. A recent small study has found that the drug helped improve the functioning of the heart in a group of children who had a specific type of congenital heart defect. Sildenafil is already used to treat high blood pressure in the lungs, and some evidence has shown it might be able to treat adults with heart failure. Talk to your child's cardiologist about emerging hear...
Fatty Food Not so Bad for Diabetes?
We are usually told to steer clear of fatty foods, especially those us with type 2 diabetes. This is generally good advice. Yet one team of researchers found that high fat foods may not be all that bad for diabetes patients.
Could Poor Body Image Block Weight Loss?
“I’ve just gotten so fat!” “You? I’m the one with the huge thighs!” -- It is not uncommon to hear conversations like this, especially as the anxiety of swimsuit season quickly approaches. But new research is showing that this habit and mentality might not just be detrimental to self-esteem, but could affect one’s ability to lose weight.
FDA Recommends Approval of Tofacitinib
Pfizer Inc. announced that the Arthritis Advisory Committee to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) voted 8-2 to recommend approval of the investigational agent tofacitinib for the treatment of adult patients with moderately to severely active rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Potential Dangers of Multiple Sclerosis Treatment
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is alerting health care professionals and patients about injuries and death associated with the use of an experimental procedure sometimes called “liberation therapy” or the “liberation procedure” to treat chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency ( CCSVI ).
Open Trial for Brain Cancer Treatment
Glioblastoma is a very aggressive grade of brain cancer, and attempts at treatments so far have met with limited success. But as researchers proved, sometimes you have to cheat to win.
Heart Failure Impacts Quality of Life for Men
Women are commonly affected by depression more often, and more severely when it hits. However, it appears to be men who suffer a greater emotional toil when it comes to a diagnosis of heart failure.