Hooked on Facebook?
There are addiction scales for everything from gambling to sex, but now the social media site Facebook has its own scale too. How much time is too much time on Facebook?
Identifying Aggressive Leukemia
There are two main types of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and knowing whether a patient has the aggressive or the slow version is very important to determine treatment early on.
Selecting Which Birth Control Matters
Several birth control pills have been linked to blood clots in women who use them, but sufficient evidence about similar risks from hormone contraceptive besides the Pill is lacking.
It’s Not Just a Bump on the Head
Structural damage is not the only part of a head injury—the brain’s electricity can be damaged as well. When the firing of the brain’s neurons gets damaged it can’t be seen on a scan the same way structural damage can.
Most Cardiac Arrest Patients Far From AEDs
In recent years there has been a push to install automated external defibrillators ( AEDs ) to treat cardiac arrest at public locations. These life saving devices are much more accessible, but are still short on access.
Electronically Cleansed Colon Screening
If you've ever had a colonoscopy, you know about the colon emptying routine. It can be unpleasant. A new screening technology eliminates the need for all that eliminating.
Exercising Away Hypertension Risk
For individuals with a family history of high blood pressure, moderate exercise and improved cardiovascular fitness may help even out the playing field.
Unexpected Effects of an Accident
The physical and mental effects of a major accident can be life-changing. After a visit to the hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU) many people suffer from stress, anxiety, and depression. In women, treatment can help.