Exhale for Your Health
Breathalyzers may be associated with cop shows but the device could be an important tool for the health of patients. A simple exhalation could help patients detect diseases early.
Moms Pass on More Than Genes
Researchers already knew that overweight moms generally gave birth to children who became overweight too. But the health impact of obesity during pregnancy doesn't stop there.
Virtual Reality Program for Autism
Reading body language and facial expressions of others helps us relate to one another, and it is how we learn to understand how other people are feeling. Autism often creates difficulty with these types of social skills.
Suntans Sexier Than Skin Cancer?
Sure, a bronze, suntanned look is youthful and sexy. The thing is, young people - particularly young women - are putting their long-term health at risk by going after that look.
Fighting Alzheimer’s With Money
A government supported plan will support people with Alzheimer’s Disease and their caregivers and work towards keeping new people from developing the disease. The goal – better treatment and care by 2025.
Gluten and Schizophrenia Linked
An inability to eat foods with gluten, like bread and rice, is frustrating enough for many people. But the condition may have further implications for women planning to have children.
Combo Treatment Causes Significant Weight Loss
Losing weight is difficult, and for some people, exercise and good nutrition isn't enough. According to a new study, a new combination drug that’s currently being tested could help obese people drop those extra pounds.
Big City Hospitals Act as 'Hub' for Superbugs
How do you trace the path of a superbug ? Researchers are on the trail of MRSA, a drug-resistant bacterial infection that breeds and spreads through hospitals.
Video Games may Benefit Kids With Cerebral Palsy
Kids with cerebral palsy are at a greater risk for developing health issues like musculoskeletal disorders and being overweight, but video games such as Nintendo Wii may provide relief.
Better Monitoring Aortic Aneurysms
Imaging has overwhelmingly proved an effective means of monitoring patients after medical procedures. It's non-invasive and allows doctors to monitor for complications. It just boils down to determining which type of imaging is most effective for certain patients.