Too Little Shut Eye Among Top Stroke Risk Factors
Regularly skimping on sleep may do more than leave you groggy the next day. Habitually sleeping fewer than six hours a night also appears to increase the risk of stroke.
Lymph Nodes and Uterine Cancer
Treating endometrial or uterine cancers typically involves a hysterectomy. Women who have aggressive disease may also undergo a lymphadenectomy to remove lymph nodes. 
New Liver Won't Prevent a New Baby
Being an organ transplant recipient can mean major changes in your life. Fortunately for women with liver transplants, the possibility of having children isn't one of these.
Defining Prediabetes and Stroke Risk
It is already well established that people with diabetes are more likely to suffer stroke. But even before you develop full-fledged diabetes, you could have a higher risk of stroke.
Country Kids, City Kids and Food Allergies
If you move from the city to the country, your child may have fewer classmates with peanut allergies. But if you do the reverse, chances are more classmates will have food allergies.
A Vicious Cycle of Sleepless Nights
The vicious cycle is familiar to anyone with anxiety: you feel anxious, so you can't sleep, which makes you more anxious, so you can't sleep.
An Apple a Day to Keep Smoking Away?
Trying to quit smoking? Here, have another serving of peas. And munch on some broccoli or fruit salad while you're at it.
Afraid of the Dark? You're Not Alone
Being afraid of the dark isn't just a childish phobia. Many adults suffer from this phobia, and it may be an underlying factor contributing to insomnia.
Waist Size Signals Diabetes Risk
The ability to predict diabetes is key to preventing the disease. But some of the tests that predict diabetes can be expensive. Measuring waist size may be a cheap and easy way to identify people at risk of diabetes. People with a large waist circumference may have an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. A large waist circumference was especially associated with diabetes in women. Exercise often and eat healthy to prevent diabetes. Obesity is the main cause of diabetes worldwide. Yet diabetes often develops in people who are overweight but not obese. While diet and exercise ca...
Cancer Drug Limbo
Due to the high standards required by the clinical testing process for pharmaceuticals, cancer drugs can linger in limbo for several years before securing approval.