Predicting Another Bipolar Mood Event?
The depression and mania symptoms of bipolar disorder can come and go. Researchers looked into what factors might predict relapse of symptoms. Bipolar mood episodes can show up as depression, mania, or mixed episodes that contain symptoms of both depression and mania. Mood episodes were more likely to show up again in people who had more limited access to services because they lived in rural areas and in people who were more severely disabled by their condition.  People with these risk factors could be the target of new interventions. Discuss bipolar symptoms with a psychia...
Slight Risk of Cancer From CT Scans
While the amount of radiation from an X-ray is not very much, a CT scan is a collection of a few dozen X-rays in a quick series, and it begins to add up.
Targeting Leukemia's Kill Switch
Once a resistance to chemotherapy develops in leukemia, it can be extremely difficult to turn back the tide. A new drug focuses on changing that.
Comparing Fibromyalgia Perceptions
Living with constant pain while feeling your pain is unacknowledged by society is a devastating reality for many suffering from fibromyalgia.
Striking Alzheimer's Out
One of the world's most destructive fatal diseases is one step closer to a possible vaccine following a second trial of a vaccine for Alzheimer's disease.
The Other Skin Cancer
Basal cell skin cancer is a lot more common than melanoma. Since the risk of this cancer spreading is lower, it doesn't get quite the same amount of attention.
Junk Food Yummier After Poor Sleep
After yet another night when you didn't get the sleep you really needed, do you find yourself making an extra trip to the vending machines? The two experiences may be related.
Coffee May Slow Progression to Dementia
People with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) are at increased risk of developing dementia. Coffee may offer protection from the transition from MCI to dementia.
Are Two Cancer Drugs Better Than One?
Recent trends in cancer research have focused on combination therapies, where drugs that supplement each other's weaknesses show greater results in fighting cancer than either would alone.
Ketamine to Treat Bipolar Depression
Ketamine is a drug commonly used in surgical anesthesia. A potential new use for this drug might be in the treatment of bipolar depression. A recent study found that an injection of ketamine improved mood within minutes for people with bipolar disorder, who were not responsive to other medications. The effects of the one-time injection lasted for up to two weeks. Ask your psychiatrist about available treatment options. In an effort to replicate previous findings, Carlos Zarate , MD, of the National Institute of Mental Health, and colleagues enrolled 15 people with either ty...