Sleepless Nights From Munchies
Sometimes the simplest decisions, such as what to have for lunch, are more complicated than they should be. This may be especially true after a night of no sleep.
Less Depression When Sleep Apnea Treated
Some patients find it hard to stick with their sleep apnea treatment (usually a breathing mask) because it may cause discomfort or even embarrassment. But adhering to it even sometimes may decrease depression symptoms.
Sleep Apnea Treatment for Teens Matters
It's hard enough making it through your teen years in one piece - but having obstructive sleep apnea ( OSA ) can make that journey even tougher on adolescents.
Smoking May Worsen RA
Smoking hurts your lungs, there's no doubt about it. But smoking is bad for you in so many other ways, especially if you have rheumatoid arthritis.
Newer, More Expensive Drugs Not Better
After the long process of designing, developing and testing new drugs, these meds are usually far more expensive than the older medications on the market. Are they better? Not always.
What do Vaccine Fears Cost?
What can happen when bad research impacts your kids? In the case of vaccines, parents start to distrust all childhood vaccinations.
12 Steps to Freedom
Substance abuse is hard on the brain and wallet. The consequences can be more than physical and emotional. They can be financial too.
Why Does Menopause Bring on RA?
Menopause can be a time of massive change for many women. It is important to keep in mind that it's a natural change. But when menopause comes early, it could be a sign of arthritis to come.
Dental Plaque Associated With Early Cancer Deaths
Good dental health means brushing your teeth morning and night, flossing once a day and visiting your dentist at least once a year. These guidelines may be particularly important if you've been touched by cancer.
Too Little Shut Eye Among Top Stroke Risk Factors
Regularly skimping on sleep may do more than leave you groggy the next day. Habitually sleeping fewer than six hours a night also appears to increase the risk of stroke.