Overuse of Painkillers Starts Young
Long-term use of painkillers is rarely a necessity, but teens and young adults often get prescriptions and then develop a hard habit to kick. Youths with mental health disorders are even more at risk for developing a pill habit.
Sharing a Hookah Not Smart
College students' rates of smoking cigarettes has been declining, but the same cannot be said for an even more ancient way of getting a tobacco high: the waterpipe .
Commanding R2D2 - With Your Mind
It is tragic when a person loses their ability to control their own body. There is hope, though, that a new technology may allow the disabled to control robots with only their mind.
Depression, Obesity May Worsen Sleep
Why is it so hard for some people to get a good night's sleep? The causes are complex, but new data suggests weight gain and clinical depression worsen daytime sleepiness. Three studies just published link being seriously overweight or clinically depressed with problematic daytime sleepiness. While many of us feel a bit drowsy during the day, more serious lack of sleep can compromise work and other responsibilities. Sleep disorders can negatively affect work and productivity, distressing individuals and costing billions of dollars to the economy. Overall, sleep quality seems to be a...
Living in the Present with Cancer
It's no surprise that levels of anxiety and depression are often high among cancer patients. But the non-medication treatment of mindfulness can make a dent in those symptoms.
Self-Medicating College Students
College is a tough time of transitions and self-exploration for many students. But students feeling depressed may be self-medicating instead of seeking the help they need.
Better Sleep Means Better Sex
For any men out there who have waited to get their sleep apnea diagnosed or treated, here's one reason to do so that's hard to ignore: your sex life will get better.
Prolonging Esophageal Cancer Patient Lives
Staging cancer involves finding out how much cancer is in the body and where it's located. The stage of a person's cancer helps physicians plan the best way to treat it. The information is also used to forecast the patient's outlook.
Cognitive Benefits of Omega-3 Questioned
Omega-3 fatty acids are reported to protect brain cells during aging thereby protecting cognitive function. But a recent systematic review of the evidence calls into question these proposed cognitive benefits.
Early Musical Training Helps Infants
You may have heard that musical training can help children develop and do better in school. So how early can you start musical training? The answer might surprise you.