Mom - Why Are You Walking Slow?
Nobody wants to watch a loved one suffer from dementia. There may be early predictors and warning signs of the onset of dementia, and one of them may surprise you.
New Sleeping Pill on Horizon
What if you could take a sleeping pill that, instead of making you sleepy, simply attacked the chemicals in the brain that were keeping you up? Such a drug may be on the way.
Long-Term Insulin is Fine for the Heart
For years, it was thought that long-term use of insulin caused heart disease in diabetes patients. Now, it looks like that belief may no longer hold weight.
An Uphill Battle with a Baby on the Way
As if low-income, HIV-positive, pregnant women don't have enough on their plates, many also have to contend with depression - though it's possible not enough doctors are noticing.
Liberate Yourself from Your Phone
A mobile phone can feel so important to your life that it's an extension of your body. But taking a break from your phone may help your mental health.
Military Women at Higher Risk of Un-intended Pregnancy
There are plenty of contraceptive choices available. Still, many women face an unplanned pregnancy. One recent study says that the risk for unplanned pregnancy could be even higher for military women.
Single Punches Don't Knock Out Advanced Cancers
Once cancer starts to move, it's hard to take out. A single punch isn't going to knock it out. All is not lost, though. Combination therapies may deliver the blow that starts the count down.
Soldiers Deserve the Best Behavioral Care
As more and more troops return from conflicts overseas, more and more are at risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) here at home.
Eat Up! 5 Ways to Get Iron in Your Diet
Are you getting enough iron? Every person needs enough iron in their diet to stay healthy. And if you’re pregnant, it’s even more critical that you get adequate amounts of this important mineral. Iron is an important nutrient that your body needs. It helps carry oxygen from our lungs throughout our bodies and helps muscles store and use oxygen. If you don’t get enough iron in your diet, you may develop an iron deficiency, which is the most common type of nutritional deficiency, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Not having enough iron in your body could...
Meditation is for the Heart and Soul
If flying off the handle is said to raise your blood pressure, then calm relaxation should lower it, right? In fact, there is evidence that meditation can help people with hypertension.