Risky Questions Produce Better Cancer Answers
Ideally, doctors would like a way to prevent cancer, but catching it as early as possible is the next best thing. For cancers that occur deep in the abdomen, like bladder cancer, it's a difficult task.
Cancer Detectives on Stakeout
While there are a lot of fancier ways to phrase it, m etabolomics is the field of tracking cancers by looking in their trash. As it turns out, it's quite effective.
Tons of Work? Don't Hesitate To Meditate!
In today's fast-paced world of email, social networking, instant messages and cell phones, it's no surprise multitasking can increase stress. One solution may be mindfulness meditation.
Alcohol, Drugs Don’t Impact Sperm Quality
Couples who face fertility problems should heed the latest fertility news: A man’s drinking and smoking habits and other lifestyle factors do not appear to be linked to a man’s swimming sperm count.
A Hard Look at Soft Cancers
Sometimes when you go to the doctor, you wonder - how do they keep up with all the recent research and treatment options for all of this stuff? How do they know how chemotherapies stack up against each other?
Patchwork-Kill for Skin Cancer
Not all cancer treatments have to be a major life event. For one type of skin cancer, researchers just slapped a fancy band-aid on it.
Don't Make Your Kids Smoke
The reasons to quit smoking keep adding up. If you're a parent who smokes, the secondhand smoke your children inhale may contribute to bladder problems.
Hidden Links to the Obesity Epidemic
Any person who sets their mind to lose weight should be able to do so with a doctor's help. But the path that leads people to be obese is more complex.
Self-Starvation May Predict Suicide Attempt
People who starve themselves due to an imagined body flaw are likely to view suicide as less painful than the pain they already experience.
Healthy Father's Day Wishes
Fathers around America are being celebrated June 17th . In addition to wishing them a happy Father's Day, dailyRx and 1-800-Oncologist wish for them a healthy Father's Day.