Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Too Much of a Good Thing
Though many people are deficient in vitamin D, it's possible to go too far to make up the difference. The "sunshine vitamin" may only protect the heart if you have the right amount.
Thyroid Check for Prenatal Care?
More pregnant women may have low thyroid levels than doctors currently realize - over five times more than the currently accepted rate of two to three percent.
Calories For Fat, Protein For Lean Mass
Eating too much - but not enough protein - might mean you'll weigh less than heavy protein eaters, but you'll likely be carrying around a higher percentage of fat.
Good Diet May Protect An Aging Brain
Older people may gain brain benefits from high levels of omega-3 fatty acids or vitamins B, C, D and E. High levels of trans-fats may mean worse mental abilities and more brain shrinkage.
Do You Know Your Food Allergies?
Pediatric food allergies may be on the rise in children. To help better manage allergies and educate parents, allergists are taking a page from childhood asthma education.
Teen Obesity Tied to Mom
Toddlers who have poor emotional relationships with their mothers are more likely to become obese during their adolescent years. The lower the relationship quality, the higher the obesity risk appears to be.
Eating Fruits and Veggies may not Reduce Weight
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables doesn't appear to be enough to stave off weight gain with age. The exception may be among smokers who recently kicked the habit.
Insulin May Play a Role in Lasting Weight Loss
New Year’s is fast approaching and your resolution to lose weight is just days away from beginning. Dropping pounds may be easy for some, but keeping it off is the bigger battle.
Start Up 2012 With Online Help
Planning to get fit in the new year? The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released Supertracker, a Web site that allows users to track their eating habits and physical activity as they make changes to improve their health.
Lose the Lbs, Your Heart Will Thank You
After having initial success in quickly losing weight, it's common for body weight to level off. During this period a person may maintain the same weight or begin regaining weight.