Start Up 2012 With Online Help

Supertracker lets users track foods and physical fitness online

(RxWiki News) Planning to get fit in the new year? The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released Supertracker, a Web site that allows users to track their eating habits and physical activity as they make changes to improve their health.

The colorful website is designed to aid individuals in making lifestyle choices to improve their health and lower their risk of chronic disease, particularly as Americans begin making New Year's resolutions to get into better shape.

"Lower your fat and calorie intake to lose weight."

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack noted that overcoming health and nutrition challenges is critical, and the SuperTracker program gives consumers an array of tools that can aid them.

He said the easy-to-use website will help Americans at all stages of life improve their overall health and well being as they input dietary and physical activity choices into the tool.

"During the holiday season we are surrounded by good food and this is a perfect time to enjoy your food, but eat less," he said.

The online tool is free for consumers to use, and provides users with personalized recommendations for what and how much to eat, as well as a suggested amount of physical activity.

Individuals can track foods and physical activity from a database of available foods and physical activities, with customized features such as virtual coaching, goal setting, weight tracking and food journaling.

Progress can be measured through reports related to meal summaries to or in-depth analysis of food groups and nutrient intakes. You can also support friends or family members by adding their profiles.

In the coming months new initiatives will ask consumers to Drink Water Instead of Sugary Drinks; Make at Least Half Your Grains Whole Grains; and Avoid Oversized Portions as part of an effort to encourage healthier food choices and reduce America's obesity epidemic.

Review Date: 
December 23, 2011