Health News

7 Companies Under Fire for False Claims
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued warning letters to seven companies for selling supplements claiming to treat serious heart conditions.
New Diabetes Rx Gets FDA Nod
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given the green light to a first-in-class diabetes injection.
Finding Connection Over Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving isn't just about giving thanks. It's also about connection — with your friends, family and food.
Happy, Healthy Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is a great time to be with friends and family, but it's also a time when it's easy to eat too many unhealthy foods.
5 Foods That May Lower Blood Pressure
What you put into your body has an effect on what happens inside your body, and that includes your blood pressure.
Eating for Healthy Skin
There's more to skin health than sunscreen and daily cleansing. As it turns out, your diet may play a part in giving you that radiant glow you're looking for.
Sugar Alternatives and Your Health
Who doesn't love a sweet taste? Almost everyone loves how sugar tastes, but not everyone loves the health effects of sugar in excess.
Staying Healthy During Flu Season
Not every sickness gets its own season. Seasonal flu activity often begins as early as October and November and can continue until as late as May.
Healthy Fats: Which Oils Are Best?
By now, most people know that vegetable oils often contain healthy fats, but which ones are best?
Managing Diabetes: What You Need to Know
It's National Diabetes Month, and you can celebrate by learning how to better manage your diabetes.