Health News

Potato Lovers Rejoice
New research from the University of California, Davis and the National Center for Food Safety and Technology at the Illinois Institute of Technology indicates it's okay to eat potatoes if you're trying to lose weight.
Smoking on the Big Screen
Watching actors smoke in movies causes smokers' brains to prepare for a cigarette, according to a study that appears in the January 19 issue of The Journal of Neuroscience .
Is Your Child Manic?
The National Institute of Mental Health has just given a grant of almost $8 million to further the study of children with symptoms of mania in order to better predict the onset of bipolar disorder.
The Healing Power of Empathy
Empathy is a useful tool for improving care, according to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal .
A Little One-on-One Time
Scientists find that individualized therapy is more beneficial for older adults suffering from insomnia, helping patients to overcome their symptoms for up to six months.
The Birds and the Bees...and Fungi
The Candida albicans fungus, which is the leading cause of infection in people with suppressed immune systems, spreads so easily due to its "promiscuous" nature.
Knees Hurt? Blame Your Feet
"Flat-footed" older adults may be more likely to experience chronic knee pain than their peers who have higher arches, according to a new study from Boston University School of Medicine.
Maybe Sharing Isn't Always a Good Idea
A new study has found that parents who share the responsibilities of caregiving for their young children may find themselves more at odds with one another than those couples in which the mother is the primary caregiver.
Get Along or Don't Get Better
Patients who are seen as 'difficult' by their doctors may experience worsening symptoms, according to a study that appears online in the Journal of General Internal Medicine .
The Kids Aren't Alright
Children of divorced parents may exhibit suicidal tendencies later on in life, according to a recent study by the University of Toronto in Canada.