Health News
Protect Your Prostate
Eating the right foods and exercising regularly are key elements in staying healthy. There’s no wonder experts all around the world say these same elements help keep prostate healthy.
Fruits and Veggies Do a Body Good
Many studies have shown that certain foods can reduce the risk for colorectal cancer, but those studies have sometimes produced conflicting results. New research suggests that by looking at the location of colorectal cancer, some of these dietary recommendations can make more sense.
Slow Down Drinking, Cancer May Be Waiting
Heavy drinking can cause many problems including liver failure and cancers –specifically colorectal cancer. Be cautious of how much you drink because risks increase as you drink more.
Spicy Broccoli Beats Cancer
Looking for a natural way to help prevent cancer? Look no further than adding a little spice to your broccoli.
Weight Weighing Life Down
Weight management can be difficult at any age. It is important to achieve and maintain an ideal weight even as we age because life expectancy can decrease with excess weight.
Weight is a Weighty Topic
Current approaches for weight loss focus on controlling cravings, but resisting can be difficult when there’s a variety of available food. There may be a better way to lose weight.
Colon Cleansing Clogged
Commitment to regular bowel movements can sometimes lead one to take extreme measures. Many herbal products offer quick fixes to get the system to speed up.
Smurf Berries
Who doesn’t like blueberries? From the color to the texture to the taste, blueberries are not only awesome, they provide a ton of health benefits.
Seaweed is Always Greener Under the Sea
The slimy, icky gooey stuff floating in the ocean, more commonly known as seaweed, is a delicacy in some countries and even provides heart health benefits.
States are Getting Wider
The obesity epidemic is a hot topic and continues to get hotter. Obesity rates have not been declining and it's literally a huge problem.