Health News
Egg Yolks Aren't All Bad
Egg whites are known to be the healthy part of an egg, while egg yolks are often discarded because they seem to lack nutritional value and increase risk for diseases. This may not be completely true.
New Benefits of Folate and Folic Acid
Eating lots of green leafy vegetables has long been a staple of healthy eating. Researchers now say that folate may also lower the risks of colorectal cancer.
Metformin Melts Fat and PCOS Away
Whacked out hormones cause polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition which is thought to affect seven percent of all women, cause period problems and appearance changes.
Benefits of Calcium and Vitamin D
Calcium and vitamin D are essential nutrients for bone health, but researchers have now found another plus for this duo. The combination of calcium and vitamin D may reduce the risk of skin cancer.
Natural Anti-Aging Agent - Strawberries
Rainbow Brite and Strawberry Shortcake are at it again - saving the world one person at a time by telling people strawberries are a delicious, healthy fruit that can fight diseases.
Survival of the Fittest
Exercise not only helps you feel and look better, it can also help you live longer. New findings show that exercise improves life expectancy for brain cancer patients.
Fruity Tunes and Veggie Tales Aren't Just for Kids
While most know that fruits and vegetables are an important part of a healthy diet, most Americans aren’t eating enough. But California has made progress. What are they doing differently?
Screen the Sun with Sunscreen
It’s time to pull out your bathing suit, beach towel and most importantly sunscreen because summer fun has finally come!
'I Love My Baby Back Ribs'
There's a lot of buzz about red and processed meats causing an increased risk for cancer. But what does that mean for your backyard grilling this summer? MD Anderson has some healthy BBQ tips.
New Facts are in: Fat is Fatal
Obesity continues to be linked to a number of diseases. Now it's shown to be a predictor of who does - and doesn't - survive breast cancer.