Health News

Manly Men Get More Advice
Weight is often a touchy subject to discuss. When and under what circumstances is it okay for someone to talk about it? Would it be better if it was a doctor or physician?
Cholesterol May Not Be so Bad After All
Most people have heard about good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, but what do you really know about it? Yeah, sure bad cholesterol is to blame at times for blocked arteries, but what else?
Hang Out Together, Get Fat Together
Where do we get our self image from? How do we determine what an ideal body size is? Body image is very important to many women because looking good often makes someone feel good.
Fitting in is Proving More Costly on Health
Everyone has felt the need to fit in at least once. Whether it be in school, at work, or even just in life. Fitting in to something is just a part of life.
Drink Juice, Lower Risk for Heart Disease
People are always trying to find easy ways to be healthier. What's easier than having a cup of juice to improve heart health?
Let There be Light...or Not
When you go to the grocery store and you're looking for a bag of spinach, do you automatically grab the bag that's closer to the back because you think it's more fresh?
Broccoli: Tasty and Good for COPD
Everybody knows smoking is bad for you because it can give you lung cancer. What about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? COPD is usually caused by smoking too!
Try Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements First
Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with osteoporosis? Try a different approach before accepting medication as your only choice.
Those Telling Telomeres
Those darn telomeres just simply cannot keep a secret. They have a nasty habit of telling a woman's age and health status. Telomeres are the DNA located on the ends of chromosomes and are a measure of cell age. The healthier a cell is, the longer its telomeres are.
Be Careful 'Bout that Beer Belly
A little bit of belly fat might seem harmless. But if you have heart disease, that extra chub can be dangerous to your health. In fact, having lots of fat around your waist can be the same as smoking a pack of cigarettes a day.