Health News
Foods that Boost Brain Power
A few changes to your diet may give your brain a boost!
How Fast Food Leads to Health Problems
Did you hear that McDonald's is serving breakfast ALL DAY? While that may be fun and convenient, don't forget how fast food affects your health.
Crohn's Rx May Lead to Less Surgery
Crohn's disease can cause unpleasant symptoms, and for some patients, surgery may be needed. But one common medication could lower the risk of going under the knife.
The Vital Role of Vitamin D
Vitamin D is a nutrient that the body needs to maintain overall good health. Here are nine reasons why vitamin D plays a vital role in your health.
Oral Treatment for Peanut Allergy a Possibility
For parents of children with peanut allergies, the thought of their child accidentally eating a peanut can cause big concerns. But what if children could become tolerant to small amounts of peanuts?
Ginger Not the Only Source of IBS Relief
Ginger calms a host of gastric disturbances, but it turns out that you might not need it to get some relief from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms.
Sweet Benefits of Chocolate
Chocolate may be sweet, rich and delicious, but it also can provide health benefits when consumed in moderation. Here’s a list of ways that chocolate can benefit your health.
Hormone Therapy After Menopause Upped Pancreatitis Risk
Many women use hormone replacement therapy to help with menopause symptoms. But the treatment does carry some increased risks for developing other medical conditions.
Quinoa for a Gluten-Free Diet
Quinoa is a high-protein grain from South America that has become more popular in recent years. A recent study examined whether people who could not eat gluten could tolerate this grain.
Surprising Side Effects of OTC Meds
If you are using over-the-counter medications, stay aware of these fifteen common side effects.