Health News

Watching What You Mix with Your Rx
It may seem harmless to pop a multivitamin each day, but many dietary supplements still contain active ingredients that affect the body. They might also interact with prescription medications.
Tummy Troubles in Kids with Autism
It's often thought that children with autism also tend to have more stomach trouble than other children. But is that really the case?
Celiac Disease Linked to IBS in Kids
Celiac disease is not common among children, but it may have been underdiagnosed until recent years. Knowing risk factors for it may help parents.
Understanding Autoimmune Disorders
A healthy and functioning immune system is central to your body’s ability to protect itself from bacteria, viruses, toxins and even cancerous cells. Unfortunately, it is possible for the immune system to go overboard when trying to protect the body.
Things to Keep in Your Medicine Cabinet
American families keep a wide range of prescription and non-prescription items in their medicine cabinets, but what is really necessary?
Heart Disease Patients Often Have Poor Dental Health
People with heart disease often have to pay very close attention to their health. It's possible that even dental health is closely associated with heart disease.
Tonsil Removal May Be Problematic in Grown-Ups
When children get their tonsils removed, there often are few post-op complications, and usually lots of ice cream involved. In adults, however, tonsil removal tends to be a little more complicated, new research shows.
Coffee Drinkers with Cirrhosis Lived Longer
A few cups of coffee every day may provide more than a boost to get through the day. That hot brew may also save lives, at least among a subset of people with cirrhosis of the liver, new research suggests.
Good Cancer News for Celiac Patients
A gluten-free diet can control or eliminate the painful symptoms of celiac disease. Now, there is more good news for celiac disease patients, especially the ones who eat gluten-free.
How Your Pet Can Affect Your Health
Dogs and cats can make great companions, and having a pet might be more beneficial to your health than you think. Although there is little evidence to suggest most of the health benefits, here’s a list of ways that pets might be able to benefit your health.