Health News
How Fish Might Affect Your Immune Health
Seafood is always a great choice for protein if you’re young and female, right? Not so fast.

How Fast Food Leads to Health Problems
Did you hear that McDonald's is serving breakfast ALL DAY? While that may be fun and convenient, don't forget how fast food affects your health.
Colon Condition Linked to Cardiovascular Disease
Diverticulosis — the presence of small pockets in the walls of the colon — is a very common digestive condition among older people. Researchers recently explored if diverticular diseases raised risks for cardiovascular disease.
Rx Treats the Gut, but Upsets the Blood
Patients with ulcerative colitis can be treated effectively with a class of medications called thiopurines . But taking these medications over a long period of time can have some negative effects.
Gut Feeling About Cancer
In patients with celiac disease, the immune system attacks the patient's own body and causes damage to the lining of the gut. The disease has been linked to a higher risk of lymphoma, a type of blood cancer.
FDA Limits Duration and Usage of Samsca
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined that the drug Samsca (tolvaptan) should not be used for longer than 30 days and should not be used in patients with underlying liver disease because it can cause liver injury, potentially requiring liver transplant or death.
Blood Clot Trouble in Colorectal Surgery
There are risks associated with any type of surgery, including the risk of developing a blood clot while recovering in the hospital. Doctors may prescribe blood thinners or use special devices to help patients prevent clots, but these steps don't always ensure clots will not form.
Stop the Bleeding Inside
It's scary losing blood. And bleeding inside the body somewhere along the esophagus, stomach and the upper small intestine can be even scarier. But blood transfusions can help, especially with certain methods.
Insides Aren't Supposed to Bleed
Bleeding is never a good sign. Though it may not come with pain, having blood in your stools could mean some bigger problem is happening inside and new research is finding more people are getting hospitalized for this problem.
Blood Sugar May Matter for Non-Diabetics
Even without diabetes, low blood sugar levels can lead to some serious risks and health problems. Researchers recently set out to see what these risks were.