Victrelis and HIV Drug Interactions
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is notifying the public that co-administration of Victrelis ( boceprevir ), a hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) protease inhibitor, along with certain ritonavir-boosted human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) protease inhibitors, is not recommended at this time. Because of the possibility of reducing the effectiveness of the medicines, permitting the amount of HCV or HIV virus in the blood (viral load) to increase. Ritonavir-boosted HIV protease inhibitors include ritonavir-boosted Reyataz ( atazanavir ), ritonavir-boosted Prezista ( darunavir ), and Kal...
Testing for Brain Cancer
There's nothing simple about brain surgery, and even a minor biopsy carries substantial risks. To get around these dangers, using a spinal tap to analyze cerebrospinal fluid may soon be a viable method of diagnosing brain cancers. A study published recently showed that analysis of microRNA levels in cerebrospinal fluid proved to be a quick, effective tool for diagnosing brain cancers. Researchers found that this tool could also monitor the effectiveness of cancer treatment. Ask your oncologist about microRNA analysis. A joint venture between Brigham and Women's Hospital and ...
Lactose Intolerance is a Global Problem
Adding milk to your coffee may seem normal, but it's not. Most adults globally cannot tolerate milk and its main sugar, lactose.
Sickle Cell Trait Improved by Regular Exercise
Regular physical activity benefits the body in many ways, from weight loss to improved blood pressure. Those with the sickle cell trait might find an added benefit -- longevity and fewer complications. Unlike sickle cell disease, a painful inherited condition in which red blood cells are an abnormal crescent shape, those with the sickle cell trait inherit only one copy of the disease and have a mixture of normal and misshapen red blood cells. They tend to suffer from an increased risk of sickness and higher death rate. Ask your doctor about exercise if you suffer from sickle cel...
What if Cocaine Didn’t Work?
In 2008, cocaine abuse was responsible for 482,188 ER visits in the U.S. alone. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration claims 1.5 million Americans over the age of 12 used cocaine in 2010.
The Top 10 Things to Know About Snakebites
Think snakes are cool? Or terrifying? No matter what your feelings are, you'll have the same reaction to a poisonous snakebite. Not all snakes are poisonous, but venomous snake bites can kill. That's what you probably already know. But what you don't know about snake bites might help save your life. Seek medical help immediately if you're bitten by a snake. Snakes live all over the world, in close proximity to humans. The best thing to do around wild snakes is avoid them. But say you're walking out in nature, and come face to face with a threatening-looking slitherer who bri...
Rogue DNA Tied to Heart Failure
The heart's own "rogue DNA" appears to play a role in the development of heart failure. A new study has found that the heart's own cells mistakenly activate the immune system, contributing to heart failure. During heart failure, immune cells cells invade the heart. This process, called inflammation, which ultimately leads to a less efficient heart with less pumping ability in the case of heart failure, can be caused by the body's own DNA. Don't smoke to protect your heart. Professor Kinya Otsu , study leader and British Heart Federation Professor of Cardiology at King's College...
Softer Surgery for Pancreatic Cancer
Increasingly, surgeons are using specialized tools to perform operations. Laparoscopic surgery - sometimes called "minimally invasive surgery" - uses tiny tubes and cameras that help the surgeon have better visibility of and access to certain areas.
Do Warnings on Cigarette Packs Work?
Ex-smokers who notice the warning labels on cigarette packs are less likely to start smoking again.  How much of a difference do these really warning labels make for ex-smokers? A four-country survey asks ex-smokers about cigarette warning labels over the course of 5 years to determine if they make any impact on whether or not they return to the smoking life. Warning labels may not be 100 percent effective, but they do appear to make a difference. Encourage people to notice warning labels on cigarette packs. Researchers from the VicHealth Centre for Tobacco Control, The Can...
Texting While Vaccinating is Approved
Making sure that your child is protected from seasonal flu is important. Text message reminders may give parents that extra push to get their child vaccinated.