The Effects of Bullying on the Young
It isn’t easy to deal with a bully, and young children are often the victims. These young bullies probably don’t understand the effects, but the victims of bullying are more likely to hurt themselves. According to a new study the victims of bullying are up to three times more likely to do harm to themselves by age 12. Talk to teachers and your child about bullying The study was led by Helen Fisher, PhD, of the Institute of Psychiatry at King’s College London. “Bullying by peers is a major problem during the early school years. This study found that before 12 years of...
The Science of Stress
Recent discoveries about the roles of cellular proteins and steroids in the brain may lead to new developments in the design of anti-depressants for depression and PTSD. Researchers isolate the chemicals in the brain that respond to stress. Findings may possibly pinpoint why some subjects show symptoms of mental illness, and others don’t after exposure to stress. Talk to your doctor if you’re experiencing depression or PTSD Dr. Oliver Berton PhD., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and a team of researc...
Attacking Cancer at the Root
Leukemia research has had some of the best results for effective pharmaceutical treatment, with the majority of cancers going into remission. Scientists are now researching how to best attack that remaining stubborn minority of leukemias . As a cell matures, it changes from a very basic, undifferentiated cell to developing characteristics that make it easier to recognize, and susceptible to specialized targeted drugs such as Gleevec ( imatinib ). But cells early in the development process may be unaffected by cancer treatments. Ask your oncologist about beta catenin inhibito...
Lighting Away Heart Attacks
Researchers are constantly working to come up with new methods for preventing or treating heart attacks. A new candidate, however is surprising. The answer may be intense light.
Radiating Prostate Cancer
Between proton therapy, intensity-modulated radiation therapy ( IMRT ) and the older conformal radiation therapy, the three types of external radiation therapies used to treat prostate cancer differ slightly.
Viewing the Heart's Electrical System in 3-D
Scientists have long had a general understanding of the cardiac conduction system, the complex electrical system in charge of muscle contractions within the heart.
Kidney Cancer Genes?
For a lot of medical conditions the relationship between genetics and disease is fuzzy, but for people born with errors in a certain gene known as Von-Hippel Lindau ( VHL ), the link to kidney cancer clear. New research reveals more information about the complex relationship between genes and cancer.
Wonder Drug for Colon Cancer?
It's one of the most common, widely available and inexpensive drugs on the market. These days aspirin is being studied for its potential power to relieve a great deal more than headaches.
Detecting Oral Cancer
Oral cancer - which occurs in any part of the mouth - is one of the most common cancers in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and other parts of South Asia. But diagnosing the disease is hampered by the fact that there are very few dentists in these areas.
Heart Attack Scar Tissue Regenerated in Lab
Following a heart attack, scar tissue comprised of cells called fibroblasts accumulates. Since the heart muscle can't easily regenerate, the patient is at an increased risk of heart failure.