Online 24x7 may Lead to Depression
Students with depressive symptoms have a tendency to stream, chat and game a lot compared to students without symptoms. Is this true for other demographics as well?
Melanoma Metastasis Test
Although it's extremely rare, melanoma can be found on nearly any surface tissue, from unlikely places like the eye or underneath a fingernail.
Racial Differences in Cancer Treatment
For historical reasons that are sometimes still valid, some people are not comfortable disclosing everything to a health professional, or even trusting them to tell them the truth.
Odds of ED Go Up With More Medications
Erectile dysfunction (ED) can be a side effect of certain medications. New research links the number of medications taken to the severity of ED symptoms.
Is Kidney Cancer Rare?
Each cancer in a given organ can be quite different. For an uncommon cancer, a large enough population to study is necessary for doctors to make decisions on future cases.
Generic Plavix on the Way
U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials today approved generic versions of blockbuster blood thinner Plavix ( clopidogrel bisulfate).
Generic Plavix Approved
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved generic versions of the blood thinning drug Plavix ( clopidogrel bisulfate), which helps reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by making it less likely that platelets in the blood will clump and form clots in the arteries.
Omega-3s & Tourette’s Disorder
Tourette’s disorder has a whole bag of things to manage. Omega-3 fatty acids may not be able to help with all of them, but helping tic-related impairments is a good start.
Googling for Cancer Biomarkers
The Google algorithm for searching and prioritizing pages on the Internet is constantly changing. Researchers have developed their own version of this coveted equation and put it to work to find new cancer answers.
Questioning Treatment of Repetition in Autism
Repetitive behaviors, like counting or hand motions, can be troublesome for children with autism. Antidepressants have been reported to help with this symptom, but new research questions the effectiveness.