Health News

Preventing Injuries
June is National Safety Month, which means it's the perfect time to brush up on your injury-prevention knowledge.

To Gym or Not to Gym?
Can't seem to motivate yourself to get to the gym? Then this article is for you.

Mole or Melanoma?
Some adults can have up to 40 moles. But when should you start worrying about skin cancer?

Say No to Heart Disease This American Heart Month
Heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. But you can say no to heart disease by learning about the condition and taking steps to improve your heart health for American Heart Month this February.

How Tobacco Harms Young Children
A new international report highlights the damage that exposure to tobacco does to developing children and calls for increased tobacco control measures.

Medication Myths Debunked
You might have heard some old wives' tales about medications over the years. Did the myths you have heard make our list?

Taking Too Much Melatonin?
Melatonin has caught on as an over-the-counter (OTC) sleep aid in a big way. But a sharp increase in dosage and frequency has raised some researchers' concerns.

How to Spot Fake COVID Tests Online
Have you purchased a fake COVID-19 test online? If you haven't been paying close attention, it's possible.

How Binge Drinking Could Affect Your Heart
Binge drinking may increase your risk of going to the hospital for a serious heart problem, according to a new study.

Even One Drink a Day May Affect Your Heart
Even one small alcoholic drink each day may affect your risk of heart issues, a new study found.