Health News
Sleep Apnea's Stroke at Midnight
Untreated sleep apnea has been linked to a long list of health risks. Now silent strokes - where the person doesn't know they had a stroke - can be added to that list.
Sleep Well, Hunger Less
If you're feeling hungrier than usual, take a look at your sleeping habits - are you getting enough sleep? If not, that may be the reason for the extra appetite.
Good Sleep Helps Keep a Heart Healthy
Obstructive sleep apnea is already known to increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in men, but women appear to be at risk of heart attack if they have sleep apnea as well.
A Nap a Day Keeps Tantrums Away
Skipping a nap - even for one day - has a significant effect on toddlers' ability to express enthusiasm and deal with frustration according to a recent study.
Do Downward Dog for Better Downtime
If menopause is keeping you up at night, consider using part of your days for yoga sequences that a study has shown will help reduce that insomnia.
Finally Sleeping Soundly
The drug Ambien has established effectiveness at helping insomniacs, people who spend their nights trying to somehow charm their own body into giving up wakefulness. A new study finds that patients with primary insomnia are unlikely to escalate their dose.
Let Sleeping Teens Lie
Teenagers with Type 1 diabetes may not be getting enough quality sleep, leading to higher blood sugar levels and academic and behavior problems.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Link with XMRV Questioned
Chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS ) is a complex disorder that affects more than one million Americans. A couple of years ago, a study was released that claimed that XMRV (a gammaretrovirus ) was a contributing factor in developing CFS . But now, scientists say that is not the case.
Asleep at the Wheel
As if police officers did not already face enough dangers on the job, they can now add one more hazard to the list: a high incidence of sleep disorders.
No Rest for the Recovering Addict
As drug addicts enter rehab and try to restore order to their lives, many face recurrent insomnia. Researchers recently tested a medication as a possible remedy.