Health News
Tame Your Tension
Is stress making it hard for you to sleep? Poor sleep can contribute to all sorts of health problems. Reducing stress with relaxation might help sleeping problems as well.
Outlining New Safety Tricks For Grandparents
Grandparents have always played an active role in raising children. However, their numbers as primary caregivers have been increasing recently. Are they hip to new parenting guidelines?
Kid Athletes Need Sleep, Too
Hit the snooze button, kids. It's important for the hard working athletes, too. The extra Z's may help them from getting hurt on the field or the court.
A Link Between Sleeping and Learning?
A child's sleeping difficulties aren't fun for anyone. But they're important to address. Sleep is linked to other health issues.
Pregnancy Snores Sound a Warning
A small percentage of the population snores even without having an underlying sleep problem. But a woman who starts snoring during pregnancy may want to talk to her doctor about it.
An Hour of Sleep Counts for Kids
It's an awards night on TV, and your child wants to stay up until the end. Will losing just a half hour or hour of sleep make that much of a difference? Maybe.
Sweeter Dreams with Back Arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis is a painful condition that can interfere with many aspects of your life, including your sleep. If your back pain is keeping you from getting a good night's rest, it may be time to make some changes.
Are You an Owl or a Lark?
Perhaps you know that person who tries so hard to go to bed "early" but never makes it before 3 am. Or the one who's always up before the rooster, regardless of their bedtime.
Go to Bed! It’s Good for Your Blood
If your teenager isn't getting enough sleep, it means more than a grumpy kid in the morning. It might also mean they are raising their risk of developing diabetes.
Anxious and Moody, Tossing and Turning
Managing multiple mental health conditions, like a mood disorder and an anxiety disorder, can be more challenging than managing just one. It can also make insomnia worse.