Health News

Pregnant with Bowel Trouble, But It's Ok
Women who plan on becoming pregnant can also plan for bodily changes in other areas, including bowel movements, or lack there of. Could these changes impact a pregnant woman's quality of life?
Eating for Two?
For pregnant women, nutrition takes on a whole new role and importance because of the physical changes in the mother’s body and the impact on the unborn child.
Next Gen Troubles from Smoking Moms
Smoking is a known health hazard for pregnancies. But being exposed to smoke in utero may follow a baby girl into her own pregnancy when she grows up.
Lupus Rx In Utero Tied to Learning Issues
Azathioprine therapy for lupus is generally considered safe during pregnancy. But children exposed to azathioprine in the womb may be at higher risk of developing speech problems.
Pregnant? Reach for Folic Acid
One of the most important nutrients for pregnant women to get while carrying a baby is folic acid. Health officials already knew it was good for babies' brains, but it may help their hearts too.
Too Many Pregnant Teens Using
Substance abuse is a serious issue for any teen girl, but if that girl is pregnant, the problem is exponentially greater. Extra support might be necessary to help pregnant teens get sober.
Downside to Being Slim for Women
Though extra body weight comes with its own set of health concerns, having a few extra pounds might be helpful in protecting a woman's uterus. 
Surprise! You're Expecting a Baby
Sometimes a woman finds herself pregnant when she wasn't planning on it. Women with unintended pregnancies may benefit from support and being aware of postpartum depression risks.
Rx Tag-Team Works Better for Weak Bones
When one medicine doesn't help postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, doctors might recommend another. But if the second doesn't strengthen bones, what happens then? Taking them together might do the trick.
Female Pelvic Surgery No Sure Thing
Gravity and bodily wear-and-tear have their effects. In some women who are growing older or who have given birth, those effects eventually may cause the pelvic organs to prolapse.