Health News

FDA Approves Plan B One-Step Emergency Contraceptive for Use Without a Prescription
Today, the US Food and Drug Administration announced it has approved the use of Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel) as a nonprescription product for all women of child-bearing potential.
Pumping Iron for the Baby
Many pregnant women take prenatal supplements. Some contain iron while others may not. The amount of iron a woman needs during pregnancy is important to discuss with her care provider.
When Smoke Comes Out the Ears
Most people associate health problems from smoking with the lungs. But smoking is linked to other health issues as well, like hearing loss — even for babies exposed in the womb.
Hormones Can Play Shield Too
Female sex hormones have a number of jobs to do. While they can regulate mood and sexual function, they might also help protect women from infection.
An Alcohol and Pregnancy Balancing Act?
With all the changes happening to a woman's body during pregnancy, a glass of wine may seem enticing. The debate continues about whether a small amount of alcohol will hurt the baby.
But It Can't Be Menopause Yet!
Hot flashes, joint pain and night sweats aren't just for women during menopause. The symptoms can happen to women ahead of that mid-life transition.
The Oldest and the Youngest Mommies
The typical age for having children ranges from about age 20 to age 35. Many women who are older and younger have children, though. Does their age matter to their pregnancy?
Being Big with an Early Baby
When a woman becomes pregnant, her health affects her and her baby both. Being overweight or obese can also play a part in how a woman's pregnancy goes.
Shedding Pounds Between Babies
Being overweight while pregnant can increase several health risks. But after you have your baby, it's not too late to try to lose the pounds if you want to have another.
Testing for Down Syndrome Early
One decision pregnant women must make is how much to test for possible disorders in their baby. More tests with fewer risks are becoming available for conditions like Down syndrome.